There are two recognised methods for making inserts (insoles), the weighted and the unweighted moulding method. Balkefors Orthopaedics uses the weighted moulding method. Balkefors Orthopaedics is a system in which the user can easily make inserts (insoles) in a closed kinetic chain. The moulding is done taking into account the linear positions of the knee joint and the pelvis joint. The alignment is done by pressing the knee and foot joints outwards or inwards to the preferred position. The talar joint is kept in a neutral position (see illustration below). The moulded insert is functional and easy to work with; this is the reason why so many people have been prescribed orthopaedic insoles from Balkefors Support AB.
Before we make your insole, we analyse your gait and posture and focus on how your weight bears on your foot. We also examine the extent of your foot joints’ mobility and how this may be related to your condition. The test results form the basis for how we treat you and your specific problem. We place your foot in an optimal anatomical position onto the heated insole, which is then immediately shaped to fit your foot. After the necessary modifications and corrections are made, the insole is ready to use. We recommend that you bring several pairs of shoes to the analysis. Shoes you have worn extensively will give us important clues on how you put weight on your foot while walking or running. The insole is most effective when it is placed in a shoe with stable heel support and lacing. As you can begin using the insole right away, we suggest that you bring a pair of suitable shoes so that we may quickly evaluate comfort and fit.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]