All those working with Balkefors Orthopaedic have successfully participated in our training course. The diploma we issue certifies that the operator is sufficiently familiar with our system. The greatest advantage Balkefors Orthopaedic offers is that you receive your custom-made orthopaedic insoles and can place them into your shoes immediately after the moulding is complete. The short preparation time ensures that the patient/customer can take the insole home and immediately provide feedback on how it feels and functions. Before we launched it onto the market, we let elite athletes who train almost everyday put the insole to the test. Having followed up on suggestions and after making adjustments over the years, we are now confident that our insole meets all expectations and fills all quality requirements. The insole is designed with the elite athlete’s need for strength and comfort in mind, but it is also suitable for the average person. If you are not satisfied with the insole due to defects or design flaws, you are welcome to contact us.